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Observing World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day, an important occasion where we reflect on the importance of planet Earth, encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection and preservation of our delicate environment. This year’s theme is ‘Reconnecting with Nature’ and Kuramathi synced in with a few programs to celebrate this crucial function.

Our team members demonstrated their arts and crafts in a first ever exhibition held at the Champagne Loft in the afternoon. Using everyday items and materials, they showcased brilliant articles such as a flower made out of coconut husks, and plastic bottles, skillful painting on wood, dream catchers made out plastic bottles and ornaments crafted out of recyclable objects.


Later in the evening, a special documentary was screened to promote awareness of the changing climate and of our fragile yet captivatingly beautiful planet Earth, at Fung Bar and Laguna Bar.

Kuramathi is also geared up for the next big event, which is on 8 June to mark the World Oceans Day.