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MMPRC hosts a seminar on social media marketing for guesthouses

MMPRC hosts a seminar on social media marketing for guesthouses

A seminar on marketing guesthouses through social media was held today at MMPRC. The purpose of the seminar was to educate the guesthouses on utilizing social media to effectively market guesthouses. Hands-on approaches to marketing guesthouses using social media were discussed which would aid guesthouses to make more informed decisions to formulate social media marketing campaigns.

Guesthouses from different islands took part in this seminar conducted by Mr. Ismail Shaheer. Mr. Ismail Shaheer is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Tourism, University of Otago (New Zealand). He has worked in MMPRC (formerly known as MTPB) for more than 12 years in destination promotion.

MMPRC plans to work closely with guesthouses in future.