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Kuramathi jubilant over the attainment of 4 unique TUI

Kuramathi jubilant over the attainment of 4 unique TUI

2018 has been a great year so far for Kuramathi; with the expanding belt of achievements, namely from esteemed travel giant; TUI, that has conferred 4 awards in distinct categories. They comprise of as follows; beginning with TUI Holly, TUI Top Quality Hotel, TUI Umwelt Champion, and a new entry; the TUI Family Award.

The team at Kuramathi is so proud that their continuous efforts at providing an outstanding guest experience has landed them with such noteworthy accolades. It is also important to highlight that Kuramathi is the first and only ever resort to win the TUI Family Award in the Maldives; while being counted as one of the few long-haul destinations to receive the title.

Winning these categories require key consistency in service levels, along with continuous praise and feedback from travellers that have chosen the resort as their holiday getaway. The Kuramathi team is hounoured, and these multiple awards will help upkeep the dynamism to strive even more in the future.

Congratulations to the hardworking team members of Kuramathi once again!