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Dive Into The Maldives Manta Season With Amilla Fushi’s And Finolhu’s Marine H.U.B

Dive Into The Maldives Manta Season With Amilla Fushi’s And Finolhu’s Marine H.U.B

‘Manta-on-Call’ hotline helps guests swim with rays in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve of Baa Atoll

In Baa Atoll, Maldives, the summer months of June to November mean only one thing; Manta Ray season. This is when Reef Manta Rays migrate in their hundreds to feed in the atoll’s plankton-rich waters – offering unrivalled viewing opportunities for anyone lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Located in the heart of Baa Atoll, Amilla Fushi and Finolhu have created a Manta Adventure excursion offering guests a unique opportunity to swim with these graceful giants at Hanifaru Bay, a renowned protected marine area and the world’s largest natural feeding destination for the rays. Guests can even sign up to Amilla and Finolhu’s  exclusive ‘Manta-on-Call’ hotline to ensure they will never miss an opportunity for a close-up with the majestic creatures, with spontaneous speedboat outings organised during sightings.

The new Manta Adventure excursions are run from Amilla and Finolhu H.U.B (Home of the Underwater Biosphere), a hive of water-based activities including guided excursions to explore the captivating house reef, complete with its renowned Blue Hole dive site at Amilla; an enlightening Marine Biology programme highlighting the area’s rich underwater biodiversity; adrenalin-fuelled water sports including Jet Skis, RS Sailing, Paddleboards, X-Jetpacks and Seabobs; and a fleet of private charter vessels for guests to explore the archipelago.

Each and every marine related pursuit have been verified and approved by our resident Marine Biologists on each island, helping to ensure that this fragile environment is protected and preserved for years to come.

What’s more, the resort’s experienced Marine Biologists have crafted a series of tailored excursions allowing guests to participate in a number of unique and rewarding conservation projects, combining knowledge and understanding with a hands-on approach.

Guests can choose their pace of adventure; whether it’s simply relaxing on a deserted sand bank, snorkelling around the stunning coral reefs, or immersing in Maldivian culture with a visit to a local village.

Amilla Fushi’s Manta Adventure Excursion costs USD $175++ per person per trip, and takes place on alternate days depending on the tide. Houses at Amilla Fushi start from US$1,050++ per night including breakfast. For reservations email: [email protected], call tel: +960 660 6445 or visit www.amilla.mv.

Finolhu’s Manta Adventure Excursion costs USD $175++ per person per trip, and takes place on alternate

days depending on the tide. Villas at Finolhu start from $578++ per night including breakfast. For

reservations email: [email protected], call tel: +960 660 6445 or visit www.finolhu.com