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Dhivehi Raha Beachside Degustation

Dhivehi Raha Beachside Degustation

Degust | /dɪˈɡʌst/ | verb (transitive)

1. (rare) to taste, esp with care or relish; savour

Derived Forms

2. degustation (ˌdiːɡʌˈsteɪʃən) noun

Kandolhu Maldives is picking up the limelight for its elegant villas and unique glass bathrooms, impeccable landscaping and its bespoke service with genuine hospitality. Innovation is the norm here, seeing promotions and new products reach their guests in many different ways.

The latest to draw attention is its Dhivehi raha (literally translated to the “Maldivian taste”) – a five course degustation menu pioneered by Executive Chef Mickaël Farina, designed to showcase the best of Maldivian cuisine, served in a perfect setting on the beach to the sound of the ocean every few months.

Famous recipes are redesigned with care, including the all-time favourite breakfast of the Maldivians ‘Roshi and Mashuni’; authentic flatbread paired with coconut, spices and a local favorite, tuna. ‘Garudhiya’ is also featured, arguably the most staple dish of the locals, consisting of a tuna broth cooked to perfection in brine and accompanied with rice or roshi and served with chili, lemon, onion, or ginger. For dessert, “Banbukeyo Bondibai”, fragrant with cinnamon and cardamom, offers a sweet touch to the end of a delicious meal.

Those who choose to join find themselves on a culinary journey through the Maldives, encased in authentic smells and flavours, all with a modern twist. Without a doubt this is not something to be missed out on when available, and comes highly recommended by the team on Kandolhu Maldives!